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Goodbye 2019

Updated: Jan 1, 2020

Trying to find photos on my phone from 10 years ago... you know, when we didn’t have photos on our phones. (I did not even have a phone in 2009)

These were all taken in 2009. I sure do look a lot younger, but my hair wasn’t nearly as white as it is today, I am almost platinum blond, at least that’s an improvement.

My babies WOW. 10 years really made such a difference. They are all grownup by now and married with little sugars. Since then my little Sunshine obviously has grown into this beautiful amasing person I can call my daughter. In 2009 my oldest son was deployed to Afghanistan; can you imagine a mother’s fears with your baby in another country. My younger son was finishing High School at the time. My little sunshine was still...what I wanted her to be... little!

Stating the obvious here that we all learn and change so much in a decade. The thing I have loved the most is recognizing this thread that ties everything together in my life and work.

Most of all I realised one can have many different chapters, different interests, different businesses, different relationships. Your babies grow up so quickly into the most amasing adults. Make sure to capture every memory. You will look back when you older (decades later) and these memories are ones you what will forever treasure over and over again in your mind.

These tides come in and out and back in again all the time. “Things” are always changing. But the truth of who you are underneath it all, stays the same.

Like creativity, dreaming, and building. Finding beauty in things and people. Looking beyond the surface to the magic beneath that connects us all. The Technology we use to live our lives will continue to change rapidly, just like that old digital camera I used to have. Everything is on our phones these days. But who and what we are, the values that drive us, connect us, inspire joy... these will remain! They actually determine who we in fact are eventually.

We need to build our lives and our work around these values. This was the decade I stopped fearing change. I recognised the only values that truly matter are those that insure eternal life. I have accomplished so much; I am forever grateful to my Creator for helping me to become who I am today.

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